Chinese Methodist Church In Australia, EMP Inc.

Sunday School Teacher & Volunteer Declaration Form


Teachers & Volunteer Information & Guidelines


Thank you for your willingness to share your time, enthusiasm and skills with our Sunday School students. Chinese Methodist Church In Australia, EMP Inc. (hereinafter to be referred as EMP MC) Sunday School is committed to the safety and well-being of all students and while you are at church, we expect all people connected with us to uphold the values of our church and ensure their relationships and interactions with students are edifying and lawful.

  1. Teachers & volunteers shall in all instances respect each student’s rights and privacy. It is essential confidentiality is maintained. Never discuss any child’s classroom performance or behaviour with other parents.
  2. All adults (18+) must have a valid Working With Children Check (Blue Card) in order to volunteer. The only exception to this is if you are the parent/guardian of one of our students in the same class and with a teacher – in this case, you will not need a blue card.
  3. All physical contact with students must be initiated by the student e.g., hugging or hand holding. If physical contact occurs, it must be in full public view of other children and adults. Students should not sit on laps. Please encourage students to sit near or around you.
  4. Emotional boundaries are in place to protect the feelings, emotional needs and wellbeing of students and determine the nature of appropriate relationships. Teachers and Volunteers must ensure that they respect emotional boundaries, including not using unprofessional criticism, shaming, discouraging, embarrassing or humiliating students or making overly familiar or personal commentary. We must encourage and build up our students through the Bible teaching.
  5. Teachers & volunteers to adhere to the Bible and our Methodist Faith. You can read more about the 26 Articles of Religion express the beliefs of the Methodist at our website:


Personal Information


Tip: Please choose either the English or Chinese congregation only.


Blue Card



Critical Overview



Church and Ministry Experience



Code of Conduct

Reviewed/updated on 29/08/2023 by EMP MC LCEC/Safe Church Program Committee


Staff and volunteers are responsible for maintaining a professional role with children, which means establishing and maintaining clear boundaries that serve to protect everyone from misunderstandings or a violation of the relationship.

This Code of Conduct sets out the behaviour which Chinese Methodist Church In Australia, EMP Inc. (hereinafter to be referred as EMP MC) expects from all people associated with or representing it.



Primarily, this code will help to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse and inappropriate behaviour from adults / people in leadership. It will also help staff and volunteers understand and maintain the standard of behaviour expected of them.

Secondly, this will also work to reduce the possibility of allegations of abuse being made against leaders and people in authority and provide possible victims a pathway for voicing their concerns.

And thirdly, this will also work to reduce the possibility of allegations of abuse being made against our organisation.



All members of staff and volunteers are expected to report any breaches of this code to the Safe Church Contact Person under the child protection policies and safeguarding procedures put in place by EMP MC.

Staff and volunteers who breach this code of conduct will be subject to the EMP MC’s disciplinary procedures.

Any breach of the code involving external workers/volunteers may result in them being asked to leave EMP MC and any associated programs/events/ministries.

Serious breaches may also result in a report being made to authorities as the police, the local statutory child protection authorities and/or the Chinese Methodist Church in Australia Inc (CMCA).

The EMP MC condemns all forms of child abuse, discrimination and sexual exploitation, and is committed to creating and maintaining an environment which promotes safety and inclusiveness for children. Child abuse occurs when adults or other children hurt children or young people under the age of 18, either physically, emotionally, sexually, through neglect, or in some other way.

EMP MC is committed to and will provide a safe environment for people living with a disability, people with a cultural and/or linguistic diverse background and will consult with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about supporting their specific needs if such needs should arise. 



• Conduct myself in a manner that is consistent with the values of the EMP MC.

• Treat all children and young people with respect, regardless of race, ethnicity gender, language, religion, political/other opinion, national/ethnic/social origin, property, disability, birth/other status.

• Provide a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for all children, young people, parents, staff and volunteers.

• Follow and report any concerns of child abuse in accordance with the EMP MC’s child protection policy and procedures.

• Keep confidential all information that I am party to regarding child protection cases, disclosing and discussion information only with the Safe Church Contact Person or other parties as designated by them and according to reporting procedures.

• Respect cultural differences.

• Encourage open communication between all children, young people, parents, staff and volunteers, and allow children and young people to participate in the decisions that affect them.

• Be transparent in my actions and whereabouts.

• Take responsibility for ensuring I am accountable and do not place myself in positions where there is a risk of allegations being made. Wherever possible, I will ensure that another adult is present when I am working in the proximity of children. I will discuss other measures as necessary with the EMP MC’s Safe Church Contact Person.

• Mindful of my behaviour, actions, language and relationships with children.

• Report any concerns or suspicions regarding abuse by a fellow worker, volunteer, contractor or visitor, via EMP MC child protection reporting mechanisms unless they are thought to be the perpetrator.

• Comply with all relevant Australian and State/Territory legislation.

• Immediately disclose all charges, convictions and other exploitation and abuse and policy non-compliance in accordance with appropriate procedures.

• Avoid favouritism to particular children.

• Ensure any contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults is appropriate and in the parameters of the program/event/ministry as stated.

• Always ensure language is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory.

• Ensure programs are made accessible for people with a disability, and to make changes where needed to assist any specific needs that may arise.

• Provide examples of good conduct in daily activities.

• Challenge unacceptable behaviour and report all allegations/suspicions of abuse.

• Encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they do not like.

• Recognise that special caution is required when you are discussing sensitive issues with children or young people.  



• Engage in behaviour that is intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children, young people or vulnerable adults.

• Use inappropriate, offensive, harassing, abusive, sexually provocative, demeaning, culturally inappropriate or discriminatory language when speaking with a child or young person.

• Allow allegations/suspected abuse/risk of harm or disclosures go unreported.

• Do things of a personal nature that a child can do for him/herself, such as assistance with toileting or changing clothes. If this is necessary, for example for a child with disability, I will inform my supervisor first and be as open as possible in my behaviour.

• Hit or physically assault children. This includes refraining from physical punishment or discipline of children.

• Develop inappropriate relationships with children, young people or vulnerable adults.

• Conduct a sexual relationship with a child or young person or indulge in any form of sexual contact with a child or young person.

• Seek to make contact and or spend time with any child that I come into contact within my role as a representative of the EMP MC outside of the designated times and activities set for performing my role as a representative of the EMP MC.

• Condone or participate in behaviour of children that is illegal, unsafe or abusive.

• Act in a way that shows unfair and differential treatment of children, young people and vulnerable adults.

• Release or discuss any personal confidential information about suspected or proven child abuse or protection cases other than with the Safe Church Contact Person and other parties as designated by them and according to reporting procedures.

• Use any computer, mobile phone, or video and digital camera to exploit or harass children.

• Let children and young people have your personal contact details (mobile number or address).

• Make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of children and young people.

• Act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive.

• Make inappropriate promises to children and young people, particularly in relation to confidentiality.

• Jump to conclusions about others.

• Exaggerate or trivialise child abuse issues.

• Rely on your reputation or that of the organisation to protect you.  


  1. I am responsible for my own actions and utilise safe church standards and best practices to avoid actions and behaviours that could be in breach of this code of conduct and the safe church/child protection policies of EMP MC.
  2. I have read the EMP MCs Code of Conduct and discussed its contents with my team leader/pastor.
  3. I am aware that EMP MC expects me to uphold at all times the standards of behaviour described in the Code of Conduct above.
  4. I also understand that disciplinary measures and legal steps will be taken if I am found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct.
  5. I understand that in making this report, EMP MC may have to inform other authorities, in a confidential manner and only if necessary for the safety of the child, the staff member, or the agency, or to meet obligations under Australian law.



Safe Church Policy


Please click the link to access and thoroughly read the Chinese Methodist Church In Australia, EMP Inc. Safe Church Policy.


Photo-Video Policy


Please click the link to access and thoroughly read the Chinese Methodist Church In Australia, EMP Inc. Photo-Video Policy.


Expectations and Commitment



Endorsement Reference

Please provide the name of someone who can give a character reference for you. 

This person could be a pastor, church leader, group leader, long-time church member, family member, or friend who has known you for a significant period of time.





I acknowledge that this information is correct, true and complete and I have provided it to the best of my knowledge.

I understand omitting information and/ providing false information is sufficient cause for my application to cease.

I have read the above information and agree to the guidelines and responsibilities.